Fabric Over Foam Gaskets | Manufacturer

Electrically Conductive Foam Based Gaskets

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Electrically Conductive Foam Based Gaskets

Electrically Conductive Foam Based Gaskets

Parker Chomerics electrically conductive foam based gaskets and electrically conductive fabric-over-foam gaskets provide a selection of commercial EMI gasket solutions suitable for most all indoor EMI shielding and grounding applications. These foam based gaskets rely on the unique construction of electrically conductive-plated fabric or wire mesh, wrapped or knitted over a low closure force urethane foam.

Parker Chomerics SOFT-SHIELD® 3500, 3700, 4850 and 4850-STRIP Fabric Over Foam EMI Shielding Gaskets are low-closure EMI shielding gaskets for indoor applications.

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Parker Chomerics SOFT-SHIELD® 3500 series foam gaskets are wrapped in a conductive nickel-plated copper fabric and provide excellent compression set in low closure force applications requiring high shielding effectiveness.

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Parker Chomerics SOFT-SHIELD® 3700 series foam gaskets are wrapped in a nickel-plated copper rip stop fabric and are ideal for low compression force, elevated temperature, electronic enclosure sealing

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Parker Chomerics SOFT-SHIELD® 3800 series electrically conductive fabric over a silicone foam EMI shielding and electrical grounding gasket meant for low-closure force and high temperature electronics applications.

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Parker Chomerics SOFT-SHIELD® 4800 conductive, Z axis foam consists of silver-plated fibers embedded into UL 94 HF-1 low density open cell urethane foam for stable electrical performance as well as superb conductivity with extremely short ground paths.

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Parker Chomerics SOFT-SHIELD® 4840 conductive, Z axis foam consists of silver-plated nylon fibers embedded into low density open cell urethane foam for grounding of environmentally controlled applications.

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Parker Chomerics SOFT-SHIELD® 4850 conductive, Z axis foam consists of silver-plated fibers embedded into low density open cell urethane foam for stable electrical performance as well as superb conductivity with extremely short ground paths.

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Parker Chomerics SOFT-SHIELD® 4860 conductive, Z axis foam consists of silver-plated nylon fibers embedded into low density open cell silicone foam for high temperature applications.

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Note: This product is no longer available - please refer to the “Recommended Products” section of this page for alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

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Note: This product is no longer available - please refer to the “Product Support" or "Recommended products" section of this page for details on any alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

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Note: This product is no longer available - please refer to the “Product Support" or "Recommended products" section of this page for details on any alternative products, or contact us for further assistance.

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