Refrigerant Controllers

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Refrigerant Controllers

Refrigerant Controllers

Parker's selection of precise refrigerant controllers features controllers for the electronic operation of stepper motor refrigeration valves.

The Sporlan S3C Series of case control products provides safety, security, and service for remote and self contained refrigerated display appliances (single or multiple coil).

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The Sporlan Kelvin II Series valve controllers provide unmatched control of electric valves for a variety of applications.

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The IB-G is a small electronic circuit board that extends the functionality of an external system controller to drive step motor valves. The external controller must provide an analog 0-10VDC or 4-20mA signal to the IB-G.

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Sporlan’s PSK Series electronic controllers manage low and medium temperature refrigeration units by controlling compressors, defrost, lights and fans.

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Pressure Transducers are used in conjunction with Sporlan’s S3C,Kelvin II,and PSK families of controls or other controllers to control Electric Expansion Valves,Electric Discharge Bypass Valves,Electric Evaporator Pressure Regulating Valves,relays

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The SMA-12 is a 12 VDC Bipolar/Unipolar Step Motor Actuator used for testing and troubleshooting purposes.

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The Sporlan TCB has been developed to allow the control of most Sporlan electric valves with the use of a generic PID or similar controller, or with the addition of the Sporlan sensor, to perform as a stand alone temperature controller.

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The PSD5 is a small electronic circuit board that extends the functionality of an external system controller to drive Sporlan GC & FGB Valves. The external controller must provide an analog 0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA signal to the PSD5.

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