A/C Clip Chamber for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Replacement Assemblies | South Africa

A/C Clip Chamber for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Replacement Assemblies | Product Series

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A/C Clip Chamber for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Replacement Assemblies

A/C Clip Chamber for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Replacement Assemblies OBSOLETE

Note: This product is no longer available - please contact us for further assistance.

Technical Specifications

  • Quantity per Box: 10
  • Installation: To be used with Parker's A/C Clip, Parker's 285 refrigeration hose and Parker's 1A series fittings
Safety Warning

Full Product Description

Parker is increasing the quality of R134a and R1234yf air conditioning and refrigeration systems with our end-to-end solution combining A/C Clip Chamber, A/C Clip, and our 285 Refrigeration hose and fittings. Providing the end-user with a high-quality replacement part and a product that can be assembled in the field. Additional benefits are superior flexibility for tight routing and eliminating the need for crimping machines and dies. This hose/fitting combination guarantees low permeation compared to existing products in the market and assembly is quick and easy.

ā€¢ Transportation
ā€¢ Construction
ā€¢ Forestry

ā€¢ Simplified design
ā€¢ Ease of orientation
ā€¢ Superior flexibility for tight routing applications

ā€¢ Refrigerants R134a/ PAG Oil & R1234yf/ PAG Oil

Compatible Hoses:
ā€¢ 285