Juntas de cable orientado | Parker NA

Juntas de cable orientado

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Juntas de cable orientado

Juntas de cable orientado

Parker Chomerics POLASHEET and POLASTRIP gasketing are composite EMI shielding and weather sealing materials. Either solid or sponge silicone may be specified as the weather seal.

Parker Chomerics POLA® SOLID, also known as TECKNIT® ELASTOMET®, consists of oriented wire in a silicone elastomer providing EMI shielding and weather sealing at a fraction of the cost of alternative products.

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Parker Chomerics POLA® SPONGE, also known as TECKNIT® ELASTOFOAM, is oriented wire in a soft, closed-cell silicone elastomer that provides a low closure force, weather sealing, EMI shielding solution.

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