SOFT-SHIELD 1000 Knitted Wire Over Foam EMI Shielding Gaskets | #01-0901-6600


SOFT-SHIELD 1000 Knitted Wire Over Foam EMI Shielding Gaskets | #01-0901-6600 OBSOLETE

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Especificaciones técnicas

  • Tipo de interfaz: No Adhesive Backing
  • Material: Monel
  • Altura (pulg): 0.5
  • Anchura (pulg): 0.500
  • Forma: Square
Safety Warning

Información del artículo

Parker Chomerics SOFT-SHIELD® 1000 series high durability gaskets are made of urethane foam wrapped in a fine knitted wire mesh (Monel or Ferrex) and are meant for low compression force, electronic enclosure sealing applications where weather sealing is not a requirement.

Monel is a nickel-copper alloy per QQ-N-281. Ferrex is a Parker Chomerics-created tin-plated, copper-clad, steel wire per ASTM B-520. The wire mesh has a 0.0035-inch diameter and a wire density of 10-15 courses per inch of length (CPI).

SOFT-SHIELD® 1000 is available in 7 standard rectangular cross sections and is supplied either on rolls or cut to length. These gaskets are available with an acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) option for quick, efficient application.

Features and Benefits:
• 70 dB EMI shielding across range of frequencies from 20 MHz to 10 GHz
• 0.35 lb./inch closure force
• 10-15% compression set at 25% deflection
• UL 94HF-1 flammability rated
• Maintains performance after 10,000 compression cycles
• 0.93% moisture absorption
• Broad compression range (35% ± 20%)
• Operating temperature of -40°F to 158°F

Typical Applications:
• Indoor electronic enclosures

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