20,000 PSI Ball Valve - Hi-Pro Series
This series of manifolds combines isolate in the form of a ball valve and bleed/vent in a choice of ball or needle into one block for interface with pressure measurement transmitters, gauges and switches for applications up to 10,000 psi (689 bar)
Parker’s Hi-Pro series double-block-and-bleed manifold valve with pressures up to 10,000 PSI (689 bar) combines ball type isolate valves and ball or needle type bleed/vent valves into one block for interfacing with pressure measurement transmitters, gauges and switches. Designed to reduce installation costs and improve safety performance, the consolidation of valves into one unit provides the user with a combination of instrument isolation together with bleed/vent and test facilities.
The Hi-Pro manifold valve is available in block and bleed and also double block bleed and block configurations, with a 10 mm primary isolate ball valve and a choice of ball or needle valve for the secondary isolate or vent/bleed function. As standard, the manifolds feature 1/2" female NPT inlets and outlets, with 1/4" female NPT vent/bleed, with an exceptionally wide range of connection options that includes tube and pipe socket and butt weld, BSPT and BSPP, Parker CPI© single ferrule and A-LOK™ double ferrule compression fittings.
As standard, all the ball valves that are used in Parker’s Hi-Pro manifold valve have PTFE seats and gland packing, with PEEK seats and graphoil gland packing available as options. The globe style needle valves have a self centering, non-rotating spindle tip, PTFE gland packing and metal-to-metal seats to ensure 100% bubble-tight shut-off. For gas applications, alternative soft tip materials are PEEK and PCTFE. As standard, Parker’s Hi-Pro series manifolds are manufactured from 316 stainless steel as well as other corrosion resistant alloys.
• Oil and Gas Offshore
• Oil and Gas Onshore
• Petrochemical
• Chemical
• Two piece body design - minimal leakage paths
• 4:1 Pressure boundary designed safety factor
• Designed to comply with requirements of ANSI/ASME B16.34 where applicable
• Bi-directional
• Floating ball principal with dynamic response seats featuring inherent self relief
• Integral compression ends available eliminating taper threads and thread sealants
• Low torque operation
• Quarter turn positive stop handle with ergonomically designed protective sleeve
• Full hydrostatic and low pressure air tested
• Anti static
• Optional firesafe designed to meet API 607, BS6755 Pt2.d
• Instrumentation lines
• Process isolation
• Topside umbilical termination units
• Hydraulic power units
• Chemical injecttion skids
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Parker Hannifin Corporation
Instrumentation Products Division
1005 A Cleaner Way
Huntsville, AL 35805 USA
+1 (256) 881-2040
+1 (256) 881-5072
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