Sistemas de único uso automatizados | Brazil

Sistemas de único uso automatizados

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Sistemas de único uso automatizados

Sistemas de único uso automatizados

Al implementar una solución de bioprocesamiento de uso único, se dispone de varios niveles de automatización que eliminan la necesidad de una supervisión constante. Parker incorpora la tecnología SciLog dentro de sistemas escalables de bioprocesamiento para aplicaciones aguas arriba y aguas abajo configurados para sus procesos manuales, semiautomatizados o totalmente automatizados.

The SciLog NFF is a configurable semi-automated single-use bioprocessing system for normal flow filtration for use in discovery to production scale operations.

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The SciLog WeighStation Family is a range of mobile, single-use bioprocessing container holders with integrated scales for gravimetric fluid handling.

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Parker’s SciLog® Single-Use Inline Dilution (ILD) System is designed to offer a compact solution for point-of-use buffer needs.

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The SciLog TFF Standard is a fully automated tangential flow filtration system with a pre-configured design to fit within a set range of process specifications.

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The SciLog TFF Standard is a fully automated tangential flow filtration system with a modular design allowing it to be tailored to your process specifications.

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Parker's SciLog® Filter & Dispense Bag System is a bulk filtration and bag filler designed to fill up to twelve 20 L bags accurately and aseptically in an automated fashion, and perform in-line pre and post use integrity tests.

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Parker's SciLog® Filter & Dispense Bottle System is a continuous bulk filtration and bottle filler designed to fill up to 1000 bottles accurately and aseptically in an automated fashion, with limited manifold changes.

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The SciLog Cryobag Filler System brings automation and efficiency to the cell banking process.

The SciLog® NFF+ is a multipurpose normal flow filtration (NFF) system with on-board pre-use post sterilization integrity testing (PUPSIT) in a compact footprint for GMP operating environments.