Prep-Air II FRL Lubricators | #07L44BE

07L44BE 07L44BE 07L44BE 07L44BE 07L44BE
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Prep-Air II FRL Lubricators | #07L44BE

Prep-Air II Lubricators inject a mist of oil into the flowing air stream to automatically provide the correct amount of lubrication for air tools and other pneumatic devices. Lubrication rate can also be adjusted manually.

Especificaciones técnicas

  • Drenaje: Twist Drain
  • Tipo de cuba: Metal Bowl
  • Tipo de cuba: Metal Bowl
  • Drenaje: Twist Drain

Información del artículo

Prep-Air II Lubricators are available in micro-mist and standard-mist types. These lubricators inject a mist of oil into the flowing air stream to automatically provide the correct amount of internal lubrication for air tools and other pneumatic devices. Prep-Air II Lubricators can be precisely adjusted to a very low oil flow rate because only a portion of the oil drops seen in the sight dome travels downstream. Proportional oil is delivered over a wide range of air flows and precision needle valve assures repeatable oil delivery. A slight adjustment can provide a desired mist rate. These units are ideal for low and high flow applications that demand uniform lubrication in a robust package. Prep-Air II Lubricators can be mounted using a modular connector to other Prep-Air II products. F442 oil is suggested for lubrication and will allow the product to perform at peak performance. The lubricators should be used where only a very small amount of lubrication is desirable or where it is necessary for the oil to remain suspended in the air stream for long distances.

The Prep-Air II Micro-Mist Lubricators (06L and 07L) are designed to provide optimum lubrication with fine micro-mist particles of 2 micron or smaller, even through complex piping arrangements.

The Prep-Air II Standard-Mist Lubricators (15L, 16L and 17L) are designed to provide lubrication with larger particles.

• Air and Gas
• Appliances
• Entertainment Automation
• Factory Automation
• Food and Beverage
• Machine Tools
• Misc. Industrial
• Misc. Manufacturing
• Misc. Processing
• Molding
• Packaging Machinery
• Printing and Marking Equipment
• Vehicle Assembly Facilities
• Wearing Apparel

• Proportional oil delivery over a wide range of air flows
• Fill from top under system pressure
• Robust construction
• Easily configurable
• Ideal for high and low flow applications that demand uniform lubrication
• Provides simple adjustment of delivery rate
• Precision needle valve assures repeatable oil delivery
• Transparent site dome for 360 degree visibility
• Bowl can be filled while airline is under pressure

Micro-Mist Lubricators
• Generates oil particles of 5 microns or smaller downstream to lubricate systems
• Yellow fill cap identifies micro-mist lubricator

Standard-Mist Lubricators
• Black fill cap identifies stand-mist lubricator

• To be used in combination with valves and cylinders
• To protect tools and cylinder against corrosion
• To reduce friction
• At the transfer point from workshop to machine
• In combination with tools for assembly and on the shop floor
• For all type of machines and tools pneumatic driven

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