398H785305 - Hyperchill Plus Kits and Accessories | Brazil

Hyperchill Plus Kits and Accessories | #398H785305


Hyperchill Plus Kits and Accessories | #398H785305

Various kits and accessories for Hyperchill Plus production process water chillers.

Especificaciones técnicas

  • Tipo: Non-ferrous, externally adjustable allowing the correct flow through the system to be set.
  • Número de modelo: ICEP003-W - ICEP014-W
  • Tipo de kit: Manual External Bypass
  • Marca: Hiross

Información del artículo

Hyperchill Plus chillers can be supplemented and upgraded with various optional accessories.

These are:
• Ambient and Manual Fill Kits
Non-ferrous ambient manual kits, for water filling in any installation.

• Pressurised Automatic Fill Kits with Expansion Tank
Ferrous pressurized, automatic kits, with expansion tank. For water filling in any installation.

• Basic Remote Control
Base version with remote ON/OFF functionality and general alarm monitoring.

• Advanced Remote Control
Advanced version for complete remote unit monitoring.

• Control Panel Cover

• Manual External Bypass
Non-ferrous, externally adjustable bypass allowing the correct flow through the system to be set.

From model ICEP007: The ambient manual and automatic fill kit, pressurised automatic fill kit, control panel cover, manual external bypass can be supplied pre-installed or loose.

For more information or a detailed discussion about your specific requirements please contact Parker or an authorised Parker distributor.

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