Racores de tubo hidráulicos de alta presión para espiga macho DIN Ermeto | #GE10ZLR1/8ED71


Racores de tubo hidráulicos de alta presión para espiga macho DIN Ermeto | #GE10ZLR1/8ED71

EO-2 fittings have elastomeric seals on all joints for reliable, leak free operation without retightening. EO-2 is designed for metric tube, according German standards DIN 3861 and DIN 2353, now represented by international standard ISO 8434-1.

Especificaciones técnicas

  • Material del cuerpo: 316 Stainless Steel
  • Tamaño de la conexión 2: G 1/8 A
  • Material de la junta: FKM(VIT)
  • Serie del producto: EO Light
  • Forma: Straight
  • Tipo de conexión 1: Male 24° Cone
  • Tamaño de la conexión 1: 10 mm (O.D.)
  • Tipo de conexión 2: Male BSPP
  • Accesorios opcionales: Pre-assembled with EO-2 Functional Nut
  • Marca: Ermeto
  • División: High Pressure Connectors Europe Division
  • Tecnología: Fluid & Gas Handling
  • Industria: Agriculture, Automotive, Construction, Industrial Manufacturing Equipment, Marine, Material Handling, Transportation
  • Aplicación: Chemical Transfer, Fuel Transfer, Hydraulics, Mobile Hydraulics, Oilfield, Packaging
  • Tipo de productos: Hydraulic DIN Fittings
  • Estilo de productos: Stud Fitting
  • Serie del producto: EO Light
  • Configuración: Tube to Port
  • Presión de trabajo máxima: 315 bar
  • Forma: Straight
  • Tipo de conexión 1: Male, 24° Cone
  • Tamaño de la conexión 1: 10 mm Tube O.D.
  • Tipo de conexión 2: Male, BSPP (ISO 1179)
  • Tamaño de la conexión 2: G 1/8 A inch Thread
  • Cumplimiento con especificaciones: ISO 1179
  • Para tipo de fluido: Hydraulic Fluids, Chemicals, Fuels, Gases, Steam
  • Accesorios incluidos: Pre-assembled with EO-2 Functional Nut
  • Material del cuerpo: Stainless Steel
  • Tipo de junta: ED Seal
  • Material de la junta: FKM
  • Temperatura ambiente máxima: 250 °C, 482 °F
  • Temperatura ambiente mínima: -40 °C, -40 °F
  • Temperatura máxima del fluido: 250 °C, 482 °F
  • Temperatura mínima del fluido: -35 °C, -31 °F

Información del artículo

EO-2 fittings have elastomeric seals on all joints for a hermetically sealed tube joint, leak free connection of tubes and components in hydraulic systems. For reliable function of the entire unit. Design is based on DIN 3861, DIN 2353, ISO 8434-1. EO-2 fittings are suitable for high-pressure applications. Static compression also eliminates air-ingress into the fluid system at vacuum conditions.
• Automotive
• Defense
• Energy
• Environment
• Industrial
• Infrastructure
• Machine Tooling
• Material Handling
• Mobile
• Oil and Gas
• Power Generation
• Process
• Transportation
• Water

Features, advantages, benefits of the EO-2 fitting range:
• High pressure: EO-2 can be used in applications of up to 800 bar (S series) and 500 bar (L series). Stretches the range of applications.
• EO-LUB: Due to the special treatment of larger sized nuts (25S/28L and larger), the tightening torques of EO-2 fittings have been reduced by 25 %. Ease and fastens assembly. Prevents underassembly.
• Sealing capability: An elastomeric seal forms the primary sealing element, thus assuring leakfree sealing. Even low-viscosity media such as water or gas are hermetically sealed. Hydraulic systems therefore do not "sweat" at fittings. Increases the reliability of the entire system. Costs for repair and maintenance will be reduced.
• Durability: The elastomeric seal does not require any retightening even after years of operation under extreme working conditions.
• Functional nut: Individual components (retaining ring, seal) cannot be lost, forgotten, confused or assembled in the wrong orientation. This saves assembly costs and avoids dangerous assembly errors. EO-2 functional nut can be used for the whole variety of the broad range of more than 50 configurations in some 25 sizes of standard EO LL, L and S series. It helps to simplify the order process and reduce the number of items to order.
• Assembly costs: With less than 10 seconds cycle time on the EOMAT, the cost of presetting EO-2 is extremely low and reduces the assembly costs.
• Each EO-2 functional nut comes with an integrated assembly tool that makes sure that the retaining ring securely cuts into the tube surface without damaging the sensitive inner cone of the fitting body. This greatly reduces the danger of the tube blow-off, even when using stainless steel tube and increases the reliability of the entire system.
• Reliable repeatability – When EOMAT machines are used for cost-efficient presetting, the preassembly tools do not wear out as they are only in contact with the rubber seal. This avoids leaks, dangerous blow-off which can result when traditional bite-type fittings are assembled using worn presetting tools. Costs for intensive regular check and repair can be decreased.
• Final assembly – From the wrench-tight position of the preset EO-2 joint, one short pull on the wrench (approx. 1/6 to 1/4 turn) gives the assembly a quick high rise to required torque. EO-2 fittings have a solid “Hit-home-feel” and excellent over-torque resistance.

• Visible inspection – There is no doubt if an EO-2 functional nut has been preset correctly or not. Inspection is as simple as checking if the gap between retaining ring and sealing ring is completely closed. The tube end does not have to be disassembled out of the fitting for bite inspection, so that the user reduces costs and time for assembly.
• No phantom leaks – Lubrication is not mandatory for the assembly of steel EO-2 fittings. The machine operator will not be irritated about lubricant coming out of the fittings once the hydraulic system gets hot.
• Reusability/Remakeability – EO-2 fittings can be disassembled and reassembled many times. There is no wear or widening of the vulnerable inner cone. Damaged seals can easily be replaced. All spare DOZ seals are marked by size-code (e.g.: 12–L).
• On-Site-Maintenance – For the maintenance and replacement of EO-2 fittings a set of wrenches is sufficient. Additional in-line-components, such as test points (GMA), ball valves (KH) or Tee-fittings can be added to an existing assembly within minutes.
• Reliability – Millions of EO-2 fittings are working trouble free in applications like: Mobile Construction equipment, stationary machine tools, hydraulic presses, plastic injection moulding machines, shipbuilding, offshore exploration, submarines, railway trains and military equipment. Leakage does not occur on EO-2 pipework. Costs for maintenance and repair can be decreased.
• Trouble-free – the easy handling of EO-2 fittings helps to avoid assembly errors and reduces the assembly costs.

• Automotive – machine tools
• Industrial – presses
• Transportation – trains, brake systems

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