Electroválvula de tipo carrete, 4 vías y 2 posiciones
REGIONAL - Parker has a large selection of direct acting 4-way, 3-position spool-type solenoid valves to cover a wide range of flow requirements up to 57 lpm (15 gpm) and pressures up to 350 bar (5000 psi); closed, open, float, and tandem centers
Parker’s direct acting 4-way, 3-position spool-type solenoid valves feature a robust design that ensures reliable and repeatable performance with minimized pressure drop. These valves can operate with hydraulic system flows up to 57 lpm (15 gpm) and pressures as high as 350 bar (5000 psi) with open, closed, float, and tandem center configurations available. Parker’s 4-way, 3-position spool-type solenoid valves also have manual override options and are perfect for double acting cylinders, pilot circuits, and bi-directional motor applications while utilizing an easy to configure and use double-solenoid stack. These valves can be used on a wide range of machinery within the mobile, industrial, or manufacturing markets.
• Aerial
• Agriculture
• Construction
• Material Handling
• Miscellaneous Industrial
• Miscellaneous Manufacturing
• Miscellaneous Mobile
• Replaceable one-piece coils with low amp draw
• High flow capacity
• High pressure capability
• Manual override options
• Low hysteresis
• All external parts zinc plated
Value Statement:
Parker DSH125-5 solenoid operated, 12-size directional control valves achieve market leading performance which reduces manifold size and complexity in high flow circuits.
• Reversing flow
• Actuator applications
• Bi-directional motors
• Pilot circuits
Additional Technical Insight:
Direct acting spool valves are fast to respond to coil voltage and can quickly re-direct or block flow to actuator ports. Some leakage will be present due to spool clearances.
Latin American Group Headquarters
Parker Hannifin Ind. e Com. Ltda.
Estrada Municipal Joel de Paula, 900
São José dos Campos
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